Diane Husic, Ph.D. is a senior fellow with GCSE. She is also the Founding Dean of the Center for Scholarship, Research and Creative Endeavors, Director of Environmental Sciences and Studies Programs, and Professor of Biology at Moravian University. Her research focuses on ecological restoration and climate change impacts on forest health and diversity, mountain landscapes, and phenology. At Moravian, Diane has taught courses on climate change science and negotiations, environmental health, sustainability, including Costa Rica as a model of sustainability, the impact of technology on diet and disease, and many other topics. She has attended the UNFCCC COPs since 2009 and serves as a member of the Research and Independent NGOs (RINGOs) steering committee and the Innovation Task Force for the Technology Executive Committee (TEC). She is a member of the GCSE College and University Network Leaders’ Alliance executive committee and has a particular interest in working at the science-policy interface and in enhancing diversity and inclusion in STEM.