EnvironMentors Career Pathways Luncheon

Hosted by the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE), this event served as an opportunity to expose our EnvironMentors high school student participants to a variety of career pathways, network with professionals in their career area of interest and enhance their professional development at a pivotal point in their career. 

Guest Speakers shared their personal background and professional experiences with the students, including what made them interested in pursuing an environmental STEM field, how they got there and what advice they had for the students as they're exploring their career interests after high school.

This event was part of the 2024 EnvironMentors Science Fair and Awards Ceremony held annually in Washington, D.C. for high school students from chapters across the United States.

Explore the Career Pathways Lunch here

EnvironMentors is a transformative environmental science education and college access program that mentors and motivates high school students from underrepresented and underserved communities in the sciences. Founded as a local program in Washington, D.C., EnvironMentors has established chapters nationwide through partnerships with universities and nonprofit organizations. Over 2,800 high school students and college mentors have directly benefited from the program since its inception, with many more to come as the program continues to grow and scale.

For questions about this event and/or the EnvironMentors program, please reach out to our team at EnvironMentors@gcseglobal.org.

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